Saturday, March 13, 2010

Interview with Lizette Valarino

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Cool Trivia for March 6th...

1521 – Magellan discovers Guam

1646 – Joseph Jenkes, MA, receives 1st colonial machine patent

1775 – 1st Negro Mason in US initiated, in the city of Boston

1831 – Edgar Allen Poe removed from West Point military academy

1836 – 3,000 Mexicans beat 182 Texans at the Alamo, after 13 day fight

1865 – President Lincolns 2nd Inaugural Ball; while the American Civil War continued in Florida at the Battle of Natural Bridge

1899 – “Aspirin” patented by Felix Hoffman and Bayer registers aspirin as trademark

1902 – Census Bureau forms

1918 – US naval boat “Cyclops” disappears in Bermuda Triangle

1922 – Babe Ruth signs 3 years at $52,000 a year NY Yankee contract

1950 – Silly Putty invented

1981 – Walter Cronkite signs-off as anchorman of "CBS Evening News"

2006 – South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds signs a bill into legislation that would ban most abortions in the state

Topmost Recommended Movies...
1. Shutter Island
2. Cop Out
3. The Crazies
4. Avatar
5. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
6. Valentine’s Day
7. Dear John
8. The Wolfman
9. Tooth Fairy
10. Crazy Heart
This Week’s Movie Releases...
Alice in Wonderland
Brooklyn’s Finest
The Secret of Kells

Jose’s Most Popular Stogie Picks...
El Baton Double Toro
Macanudo 1968 Gigante
Ramon Allones Gigante
Canimao Double Corona
Punch Grand Cru No. 2 Maduro
Cain Habano 654T
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Petit Corona
Padron 2000
Partagas Serie D No. 4 Tubo

Highlights of Today’s Show...
March 6, 2010
There was a slight whirlwind of surprises at YSL from an early start of the program to Jose having to work the board and still managing to deliver such a robust and heartfelt welcome to our listeners. Covering much of the national and local issues which included this weekend’s Academy Awards and what we have to look forward to at the Bob Carr Theatre, In the Heights an Emmy Award winning play to the Orlando Ballet’s next presentation, Battle of the Sexes.

After that Jose went on to discuss the top most recommended movies, fine wines for under $25.00, his stogie picks with a special shout out to “Ol Times Cigar” located on 860 Route 426 in Casselberry. Incidentally, mention the show to Alan and get a free cigar with the purchase of 3, followed by this week’s fabulous devil’s egg recipe for diabetes to commemorate Saturday’s walk-a-thon for juvenile diabetes.

Of course Haydee injected her upbeat personality and soothing tone to describe several looks which are also mini-indicators in identifying one’s personality. One could say it was a continuation to last week’s fashion segment since hair and nails do play an important role in Fashion. So in Haydee’s inimitable style go ahead and continue to update and modernize your do because change is good.

Then Jose introduced the charming Ms. Lizette Valarino, Special Assistant to Mayor Crotty, who earlier had participated in a 3.5 mile run for juvenile diabetes. After a few exchanges, Jose asked, what is the role of a special assistant? What exactly does she do? Lizette went on to say the best way to describe it is that she acts as a liaison between the Mayor, City government system, and constituents, performing complex administrative and research work for the Mayor’s office, specially within the Hispanic community.

Though there are many distinguishing features to her post, in short she is the link that keeps the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and executive level staff apprised on problems and sensitive issues. Ms. Valarino has been working for the Orange County system for the past 12 years. In addition, she had a privately held management consultant company (one man operation) which specialized in public relations and events coordination. Her experience in this area continues to add much to her role in the Major’s office. Ms.Valarino is by her own words and with Jose coaching the Queen of the Orlando Ballet, something she takes with great pride as she knows how important the ballet and the Arts are to Orlando and that of the community.

What Your Hair Says about You, a follow up to nails.
March 6, 2010
Just as we discovered that our fingers and toes are in fact mini-indicators into our personality, well our hairstyles reveal much of the same for both men and women.

Short hair for example may reveal an artistic personality and it does require regular cuts. So if you are a woman who prefers this look it shows that you care about your appearance and are ok about spending the money to maintain it. On the flip side it can suggest vanity, and a lot of other things, but in the final analysis who cares as long as you look and feel good.

Now if a woman’s prefers lovely long tresses. Well let’s just say that ever since the witch trapped Rapunzal in the tower long hair has always had that allure. And women who prefer this look tend to possess a more sexual appeal for they know just how to turn heads with their mane. There is however another side to long hair and that is it can reveal a bohemian spirit or freedom from conventional expectations.

Let’s address the women who let their hair go gray naturally — or who dye it gray or white (like Stacy London from What Not to Wear). They are likely to be comfortable with their age and who they are as women knowing exactly what they like and what looks good on them. There is one exception to this rule and that is if you are allergic to hair dye. In which case, the gray doesn’t reveal a thing.

Keep in mind that both sexes who do strange and wonderful things with their hair are also artistic but can be nonconformist. Individuals who prefer to do their own sub-cultural thing like punk rock Goth, etc. are for the most part people who experiment with dramatic hairstyles and are usually young adventurous individuals with have little regard to how they're perceived by society as a whole, such as employers or authoritative figures.

It was a pleasure having Ms Lizette Valarino on the YSL show. Come back next week and join Jose, Haydee and the YSL team to see what the hour unfolds.

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