Sunday, August 23, 2009

Interview with Comm. Linda Stewart and Gino Feliciani, Division Chief for the Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Unit

Your Opinion Matters!
Please take a moment to share your thoughts and views with us. Call the station at (407) 774-1086 and let us know what you’re thinking, your opinion matters!

Cool Trivia for August 22nd...

1848 – The United States annexes New Mexico

1864 – Geneva Convention signed by 12 nations

1901 – Cadillac Motor Company is founded

1921 – J Edgar Hoover becomes asst director of FBI

1927 – Babe Ruth hits 40th of 60 homers

1952 – The penal colony on Devil's Island is permanently closed

1966 – Beatles arrive in NYC

1973 – Henry Kissinger succeeds William Rogers as minister of Foreign affairs

1989 – 1st complete ring around Neptune discovered

Topmost Recommended Movies...
1. District 9
2. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
3. The Time Traveler’s Wife
4. Julie & Julia
5. G-Force
6. Bandslam
7. The Time Traveler’s Wife
8. The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard
9. Ponyo
10. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
This Week’s Movie Releases...
Post Grad
My One and Only
Inglourious Basterds
Art & Copy

Jose’s Most Popular Stogie Picks...
Gran Habano No. 5 Corojo
Vegas Limitada 2008 and 2009
Sol Cubano
La Aroma de Cuba
La Gloria Cubana Serie 7
Havana Honeys

From YSL to the family of Brigitte Ayala-Torres...
Every once in a while it’s good to take a step back and remind ourselves why we do what we do and this is one of those times.

So before we go on to the highlights of today’s show we would like to take this moment to express to the family of Brigitte Ayala-Torres this simple yet heartfelt message.

There will never be any amount of words to express the sorrow which blankets your hearts right now and yet we at YSL are certain you'll find solace in knowing our Heavenly Father has taken your little girl Brigitte home by the wings of His celestial angels to a place familiar to her, free of pain.

We would like to think that God, being a busy guy, can't always just do or create things as fast as He would like. He looks around to that which He has created and calls them home to help Him do His bidding. He has done so with Brigitte. He wanted someone sparkling filled with the very spirit he desired and called her home. So we will honor her by replacing tears with a positive heart marking her existence every day for the fighter she was and for the many hearts her young life touched—her spunk and willingness to live should mirror our own. Know that our prayers are with you always.

In addition, we wish to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and generosity you’ve shown Brigitte for supporting her cause during a period when her family was desperately seeking a bone marrow donor.

Highlights of Today’s Show

Jose after discussing the matters of the news and a few other topics of concern took a moment to speak with Haydee about Fashion then remains deadlock on the ‘bone’ of the matter. It’s hard to imagine anyone taking corset bones to another plain but Jose did. He worked his explanation so well that he took it to a hilarious new level.

AND, just when things quieted down a bit he introduces the Honorable Linda Stewart who plunges right in and continues the dialogue with him making the onset of the interview lighthearted.

Commissioner Linda Stewart for our listeners who are not aware has been active as a community leader, serving the public for the past seven years on the Board of County Commissioners of District 4. She works tirelessly in finding ways to create jobs here, focusing on issues to improve transportation while addressing the needs of the less fortunate.

When asked in one sentence to describe what her campaign slogan would be? She replied, “It’s a new beginning!” She’s a woman who believes in evoking change. You can reach her at or be her friend on Facebook.

Ms. Stewart will open her new headquarters in the Ft. Gatlin shopping center on August 31st. Also, there will be a kick off ceremony of the new MEADOW WOODS Gymnasium on September 12th. This gymnasium will benefit the community. For more information on Ms. Stewart or other activities going on, call in to her county office and that number is 407-836-5881.

Before wrapping up this hour, Jose goes ahead and gives a prolific introduction to Gino Feliciani, a nine year veteran of the State Attorney’s office and the Division Chief for the Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Unit.

Jose leads Gino in a discussion to clarify a public perception of the state attorney’s office as being the bad guy asking Gino if this is true? Gino responds, “No, it’s unfortunate that we are in this position especially when someone you know or love is charged with a crime. However, we have three goals —firstly, to protect the public, secondly, advocating for victims of crimes and thirdly, advocating justice”.

Another misnomer is that the public can’t reach out to you. How does one get in touch with you? "Our office in particular has actually set up a system of getting prosecutors in the community to help victims of crimes while working closely with law enforcement. We are very visible in the community and our desire and goal is to seek justice".

When asked about the Megan Law / Romeo and Juliet Law. Gino answered, “In Florida and basically any other state you can be designated as a sexual offender or sexual predator”. “In the Romeo law what you’re looking at is at least a 4 years difference in age (16 to 20) and it must be consensual. Then the individual in question can petition and request not to be designated as a sex offender but this is NOT always a given”.

“Once you get labeled as a sex offender the duration is 20 years. However, once labeled a sexual predator that remains for life because the offense is on a small child under the age of 12 or that the act was committed more than once”.

To contact Mr. Feliciani or his office call their direct line 407-665-6201 from Monday thru Friday 8:30-5:00 and your call will be answered by a live person. The main number to the State Attorney’s office is 407-665-6000.

Haydee's Slice of Fashion
Embrace Your Gothic Opulence....
August 22, 2009
Not everyone thinks of quixotic clothing with the word ‘Goth’, but if you look closely at this trend you will understand that much of the romantic styles are often rooted in gothic dress. This particular trend embraces the free thinking spirit who goes against the mainstream. It represents a style that has no limits. First evolving in the United Kingdom, it has rapidly gain momentum here in the States and because much of this season is black it fits right in.

Gothic dresses are easy to find and combining them with accessories and just the right hair and make-up can give you a look for any occasion. Especially, the jewel tone colors such as dark blue, red, deep purple, green and even gray are a key component and have become more prominent in recent years. Just as the color white helps add a twist.

The simplistic beauty of this fashion is the graceful romantic feel of the garment on your skin—i.e., take a long vinyl, satin, tulle ‘scoop neck’ dress feathering a fitted vinyl dropped waist bodice ending in a delicious gathering of satin and tulle accented by a braided trim or a ribbon hem. Hmm. Guarantee you’ll be making a statement and not an unfaltering one for you’re sure to be a hit at the next black tie affair. Plus, it’s fun and sexy.

You can also take it up a notch by adding goth ‘military’ boots instead of those sexy stilettos--adding comfort to your style. All of which make a bold statement. It's a win - win!

For a casual night out on the town consider a top with a revealing “scoop” neck. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a corset BUT the back of the top can be laced up just with another accent color. Pair it with either black leather pants or a short mini skirt combining the two colors of your top and it will transform you into a voluptuous vixen for the evening. Making your date sit up and take notice.

Fashion is about multiplicity. Taking a look and owning it! You should never restrict designs by stereotypes. It’s ok to embrace your gothic opulence that darkness which lurks within you. The point of embracing and accepting it is to experience the other end of the spectrum, not to isolate only the positive qualities in your life but to reveal your inner ‘she wolf’.

Well, that concludes our show for today. We wish to thank our guests, Commissioner Linda Stewart who will be campaigning for the Mayor’s seat and Gino Feliciani, Division Chief for the Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Unit for spending this hour with us. We also wish to thank our listeners who make it all worthwhile.

Join us next week when we bring you yet another exciting program. Our guests will be Alan Kornman and Vito Esposito of Radio Jihad. God bless and be well.

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